The detailed specification of RENAULT Kerax 410 Tank truck is provided below.
Look at the technical data of the unit.
The production year is 2010.
Gross Vehicle Weight: 19000 kg.
Engine/driveline: Euro 5, diesel, 301 hp, gearbox: manual, transmission: nombre de rapports: 16 , Manuelle, retarder/intarder.
Wheel formula and suspension type: 4x2, 2-axle, rear tires: Essieu 1 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 0%-25% 0%-25% Dimension: 315/80r22.5 Essieu 2 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 0%-25% 0%-25% Dimension: 315/80r22.5.
Cab comforts include power windows.
Mileage: 973649 km.
The unit’s location is in France.
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Braem France SA
Route de Watou F-59114 Steenvoorde, France