Renault KERAX 370-6X4+16000L/5COMP

It is available for 29750 Euro.

All the offers in the stock of RENAULT Kerax 370 Tank truck are up-to-date as well as in good shape.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

The vehicle was manufactured in 2006.

Gross weight: 26000 kg.

Engine/driveline: diesel, gearbox: manual, transmission: nombre de rapports: 16 , Manuelle, retarder/intarder.

Chassis configuration: 6x4, 3-axle, rear tires: Essieu 1 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 0%-25% 0%-25% Dimension: 13r22.5 Essieu 2 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 0%-25% 0%-25% Dimension: 13r22.5 Essieu 3 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 0%-25% 0%-25% Dimension: 13r22.5.

Cab design: power windows.

The mileage is 259288 km.

The vehicle is located in France.

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Braem France SA

Route de Watou F-59114 Steenvoorde, France